2024-2025 Check-In Process and Returning to Campus

The Residence Life Team looks forward to welcoming all their student back! Navigate seamlessly through your check-in process and smoothly transition back to campus life. Move-ins this semester are between Saturday, August 24th, and Sunday, August 25th. 

Move-In Info


Once you have arrived on campus: 

Please visit the check-in table to get your key, sign the Housing Acknowledgment form, and answer a few other questions from the Residence Life staff.

New Student Check-In Times

New student move-in is on Wednesday, August 21st.

First Years Students
8:00am - 8:30am  A - Da
8:30am - 9:00am De - I
9:00am - 9:30am J - M
9:30am - 10:00am N - R
10:00am - 10:30am S - V
10:30am - 11:00am W - Z

Transfer Students
8:00am - 9:00am A - M
9:00am - 10:00am N - Z

Please try to arrive on campus as close to the beginning of your move-in window as possible. When you arrive on campus, use the main campus entrance on La Paz Road. You will pass by the lower campus entrance and be greeted at the main entrance. Follow the signs to your assigned residence hall. A team of student volunteers will warmly welcome you and help carry your belongings to your room. Please ensure ALL items are clearly labeled with your name and room number. The driver will be asked to stay with the vehicle and move the vehicle to lower campus as soon as the car has been unloaded in order to ensure ample parking for all new students as they arrive. After move-in, you will check in for Orientation at the Welcome Tent on Kerrwood Lawn to receive important information and have your student ID card photo taken. 

For more information, see the Orientation Move-in page


  1. For questions regarding move-in, please contact your Resident Director

  2. For questions regarding Orientation weekend, please email

  3. For general questions, please email 


Please head to the check-in table at your residence hall to complete the check-in process. 

Check-In Sat (24th) 10-2pm, 7-9pm | Sun (25th) 7-9pm

Go to the Check-In table established by your Residence Life Hall Staff.

  • Housing Inspections have already been completed for your room.  After getting your key, signing your Housing Acknowledgment form, and answering a few other questions from the Residence Life staff, you can begin unloading!

For questions regarding check-in, please contact your Resident Director

For general questions, please email

What to Bring 

The following lists will give you some guidance as you prepare for residence hall living at Westmont. If you have any questions, please contact the Housing Office at x6036.

Kitchen UsageExpectations to be Aware Of

We will provide:

  • Microwaves
  • Toasters
  • Blenders
  • Stove
  • Fridge
  • Dish soap with sponge(s), and cleaning supplies for counters. 
  • Pots & pans
  • Basic kitchen equipment 

You should bring your own: 

  • Plates & silverware
  • Dish towels for drying  
  • Personal sponges encouraged
  • Airtight Containers for Food Storage in Fridge [anything not stored in an airtight container will be thrown out]
  • You may consider bringing items for outside recreation like discs, spike ball, bocce ball, hammocks, etc. 
  • You will have an opportunity to request bunking and lofting supplies during the first or second week you are back. Supplies will be distributed on a rolling basis after that.
  • If you are a new student you will get your ID card photo taken at the hospitality table during check-in.
  • If you are a returning student and have lost or broken your ID card, just fill out the form at to request a new one so it will be ready for you when you arrive to campus. 


For questions regarding move-in, please contact your Resident Director

For questions regarding Orientation weekend, please email

For general questions, please email 
For questions about housing, visit the housing office page here.